The Greatest Gift QAL Week 5
Come explore the journey and promises of the Christmas Story, through the
Silent Night Fabric Collection.

Week 5: Mary, Joseph and Manger
This is the week we have all been waiting for! The arrival of "The Greatest Gift" and the focal point of our Quilt! This is such a FUN week to sew as we can see the story come to life - through fabric.
Join me this week as we use our previous and techniques, and a NEW technique (Half-rectangle Triangles) to piece this central row together!

Technical Tutorials:
Half Rectangle Triangle (HRTs)
(also know as Half Square Triangles)
QAL VIDEO WEEK 5 - Mary, Joseph and Manger

Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Greatest Gift Quilt-Along
Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #greatestgiftqal and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Purchas The Greatest Gift Quilt Pattern HERE
Download the Greatest Gift QAL Schedule and Fabric Requirements

August 2 - Week 1: Prepare for the Greatest Gift
August 9 - Week 2: Cutting and Fabric Placement
August 16 - Week 3: Sky and Stars
August 23 - Week 4: Gifts
August 30 - Week 5: Mary, Joseph and Manger
September 6 - Week 6: Story Stars
September 13 - Week 7: Camels
September 20 - Week 8: Bringing It All Together
This QAL is fully supported, with video tips and tricks and all the organization you will need
to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing.

It's not too late to join the Greatest Gift QAL, sign up HERE