Snow Day!
"If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow!" - mindfulfitness

Where are you on the snow loving spectrum? Perhaps you love snow, but you don't live in a place where it snows... Or perhaps you live in a place where it is cold and snowy 9-10 months of the year? Well, I am here to tell you that there is something MAGICAL about a "Snow Day!" It is almost like a bonus, gift day! You wake up in the morning to the world outside covered in a thick, fluffy, sparkly blanket!!! Maybe there is so much snow that you receive a call that school is cancelled and the children CHEER!!! They hop into their ski pants and run outside to play in the fresh snow - even before they eat breakfast! Regardless of how much you do or do not love snow, it is undeniable the quiet, sparkly, fresh peace that be stills the earth after a long, fluffy snowfall.

This is exactly what Heather Peterson's Snowed In Fabric for Riley Blake Designs reminds me of! That gift of unexpected excitement, the playfulness of a snow day, and the whisper of a quiet winter's day! I love how her fun, main prints play together with the thin, diagonal plaid. The floral prints are so striking on the dark black background giving this collection that elevated feel of elegance!
I knew of course, that I had to create some wonderful, winter-y, deer dolls to showcase these prints! Being a mom of 4, I couldn't send these deer dolls out to play in the snow without being properly dressed for the weather! Therefore, I created a wonderful, easy one-piece jumper and dress for them to keep cozy in! You can find the Deer Doll Pattern HERE and the Doll Jumper Pattern HERE. I knitted up a little scarf and made a felt holly barrette for the dolls too!

I decided I wanted to sew a Holiday Pillow to accompany these Deer Dolls and I knew my dear friend Bev McCullough from Flamingo Toes is getting set to release some fun new Christmas-y patterns at the end of this month. So I thought I would showcase one of her patterns. She is designing an adorable quilt pattern called Holly Jolly Wreath and I asked her if I could turn one of the blocks into a pillow. Being the amazing person she is, she wrote up a bonus pillow pattern to the Holly Jolly quilt! Yay! Just look at the wonderful border and bows! You can head to the Flamingo Toes website to sign up for Bev's newsletter so you will be the first to know when she releases this pattern!

No matter if it is snowy outside or green, cold and windy or warm and sunny... it is NEVER too early to start collecting fun holiday prints and start your winter sewing now!!! I hope you enjoyed taking a trip with me into this winter wonderland!
#beesewinspired #deerdoll #snowedinfabric #rileyblakedesigns #hollyjollyquilt #flamingotoes #benziedesign #modernragdoll