Silent Night Panel SAL Week 4
Come explore the journey and promises of the Christmas Story, through the
Silent Night Fabric Collection.

Week 4: Finishing the Bag & Special Touches
Join me today for our finale as we finish the bag and add all the special touches. Make SURE to join me on the YouTube Channel to learn a finishing technique that is slightly more advance. Or simply follow the fully illustrated, step-by-step instructions on the panel to do the Quick SEW, no turn version! Both are fun and gorgeous!

NOTE: The EASY SEW INSTRUCTIONS are printed on directly on the panel and are provided for a NO-TURN easy solution and to stitch with children too! The Bag Turning Finishing Instructions are explained in the FREE download and on the Week 3 Video. Choose the Bag Option that works BEST for your own Bag Making skills!

Let's spread the love of Silent Night and share on social media! Please use the hashtag #silentnightfabric and tag @rileyblakedesigns and @beesewinspired.
SAL Video Week 4 - Finishing the Bag & Special Touches
Download the Silent Night Panel Instructions HERE

The complete instructions for the Silent Night Felt Panels are a FREE download on the Bee Sew Inspired website HERE
Download the Silent Night Sew-Along Schedule

July 5 Week 1: Preparation & Cutting
July 12 Week 2: Adding Details & Making the Felt Dolls
July 19 Week 3: Preparing the Bag & Embellishments
July 26 Week 4: Finishing the Bag & Special Touches
Download Silent Night Sew-Along Supplies List

Where to find Bee Sew Inspired Fabrics
Go to our Shop Locator page to find shops carrying Silent Night Fabric


Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Silent Night Panel Sew-Along
Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #SilentNightFabric and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Join the Sew-Along, learn tips and tricks of Felt Doll Making with the ease of Panels, and empower the next generation at the same time!

Please feel welcome to comment below the post - your favorite Local Quilt Shops that are carrying #SilentNightFabric
Want More Sew-Along Fun?
Join us in August 2023 for a FUN, video/blog Quilt-Along!!! Make sure to subscribe to the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel HERE.

This QAL is fully supported, with tips and tricks and all the organization you will need, to just relax and enjoy all the cozy sewing. The Greatest Gift QAL kicks off on August 2, 2023!