Silent Night Panel SAL Week 3
Come explore the journey and promises of the Christmas Story, through the
Silent Night Fabric Collection.

Week 3: Preparing the Bag & Embellishments
Welcome to week three of the Silent Night Panel SAL! Are you feeling inspired and creative? Please remember to share your progress on social media using the hashtag #silentnightfabric and tagging me @beesewinspired. This week we will be preparing our bag and all the parts. Please NOTE: we are offering TWO options for finishing the bag. #1 Full-turned method and #2 Easy Sew Method. Both are beautiful and completely functional! The Silent Night Felt bag is designed to be a book, carry bag, and a playmat - all in one!!!

Make sure you join me on the YouTube channel to learn an ALTERNATE way to assemble the bag with no raw edges. However, the BEAUTY of high-quality RBD felt, is that you can simply layer, sew and go - no turning necessary. Simply follow the directions on the panel or the step by step instructions on the FREE download! Have fun and be creative!!!

NOTE: The EASY SEW INSTRUCTIONS are printed on directly on the panel and are provided for a NO-TURN easy solution and to stitch with children too! The Full Bag Turning Finishing Instructions are explained in the FREE download and on the Week 3 Video. Choose the Bag Option that works BEST for your own Bag Making skills!

SAL Video Week 3 - Preparing the Bag & Embellishments
Join Jennifer on the BONUS Week 3 Silent Night Felt Panel Bag video for the EASY SEW METHOD! These instructions can be found DIRECTLY on the panel itself and Jennifer will walk you through how simple and easy it is to sew the bag at a very Beginner level! Great for sewing with children too!
To watch the FULL method and accessory information, watch the Full Week 3 video above
To make the Play Mat / Bag (SAL Week 3)
NOTE: The EASY SEW INSTRUCTIONS are printed on directly on the panel and are provided for a NO-TURN easy solution and to stitch with children too! The Bag Turning Finishing Instructions are explained in the FREE download and on the Week 3 Video. Choose the Bag Option that works BEST for your own Bag Making skills!
1. Prepare the handles by backing each handle with a piece of batting or stabilizer and folding RST. Stitch along both sides of the handles. Carefully turn the handle RSO.

2. For extra strength, stitch vertical lines along the length of the handle in a matching thread color. Set aside.

3. Make the lined pockets. Using the pre-cut pockets as a guide, cut out a coordinating piece of cotton fabric for the lining of each pocket.
4. Place the pocket and lining RST and pin and sew around the perimeter, leaving a small opening on the bottom of the smaller pockets for turning and the entire bottom open on the larger desert pocket. (This bottom seam will be hidden inside the bag, so you don’t need to add bulk by finishing the bottom edge).

5. Pin and sew all the pockets in place to the outside and inside sections of the bag. Match illustrations on the main bag panel as desired. On the long desert pocket, sew an extra seam in the center of the book where the fold line is.
6. Layer the bag front and stabilizer by basting around the entire perimeter at 1/8” to keep the stabilizer from shifting during assembly. Set aside.

7. Pin and sew the flap closure section to the prepared back panels. as shown.

8. Position the prepared handles in place. Flip the handles so they are laying INSIDE the main part of the bag. Baste the handles on the bag with raw edges of the handles extending out beyond bag by 1/4”-1/2”.
9. Layer the prepared backing on top of the prepared front of bag with RST. Pin with lots of pins to secure the entire perimeter.
10. Sew around the perimeter of the bag, remembering to leave a 3” to 4 “ opening at the bottom for turning.
11. Using a small pair of scissors, carefully clip around the perimeter of the entire seam allowance and notch out all the inside corners. Turn the bag RSO through the bottom opening. Push corners out with a point turner.
12. Finger press the entire seam allowance or CAREFULLY press with a cool iron. NOTE: heat from a hot iron can melt the acrylic felt panel. If you choose to iron, make sure to do a TEST press on a scrap of panel felt fabric first.
13. Using your quilting ruler and an invisible marker or pencil, draw the seam line for the fold of the book and cover flap.
14. Using a coordinating thread color, stitch along the drawn lines first. Then stitch around the entire perimeter of the playmat/bag to give the edges a nice and clean finish. Note the top and bottom thread colors are matching the panel colors.
Set aside.

Download the Silent Night Full Panel Instructions HERE

The complete instructions for the Full Turned method the Silent Night Felt Panels are a FREE download on the Sew A Story website HERE
Download the Silent Night Sew-Along Schedule

July 5 Week 1: Preparation & Cutting
July 12 Week 2: Adding Details & Making the Felt Dolls
July 19 Week 3: Preparing the Bag & Embellishments
July 26 Week 4: Finishing the Bag & Special Touches
Download Silent Night Sew-Along Supplies List

Where to find Bee Sew Inspired Fabrics
Go to our Shop Locator page to find shops carrying Silent Night Fabric


Download and share this graphic if you are joining us for the Silent Night Panel Sew-Along
Don't forget to share your progress with us, Use the hashtag #SilentNightFabric and TAG me with the"@" symbol @beesewinspired, so I can cheer you on!
Join the Sew-Along, learn tips and tricks of Felt Doll Making with the ease of Panels, and empower the next generation at the same time!

Please feel welcome to comment below the post - your favorite Local Quilt Shops that are carrying #SilentNightFabric