Santa's Felt Panel SAL: Week 4
The Santa's Workshop Felt Panel is perfect for having fun with the little ones in your life while preparing for the holiday season! Sew, teach, play, and act out the bustling activity of Santa’s Workshop, the elves, and all of the holiday helpers.

Week 4: Finishing the Bag & Special Touches
Week 4 is for finishing the bag! Watch the video below, as I share how to make the Santa's Workshop Felt Panel alongside Misty from Missouri Star!
Needed Supplies:
•(1) Santa's Workshop Felt Panel
Optional Supplies:
36” x 48” Basic, white craft felt for back of dolls
Embroidery Floss for embellishments
Hand sewing needle and thread
Plastic snaps (or velcro) for bag closure
Batting scrap for bag handles
1/2"non-fraying ribbon for bag tags
Pinking shears
Embellishments such as sewn-on sequins or buttons

Instructions for Week 4
To make the bag using the easy-use-method, refer to the instructions on the fabric panel. The instructions that follow are for the turned method.
Make closures for the bag flap. I highly recommend using snap (Kam snaps) buttons and a snap button tool for safety, age appropriateness and aesthetics to close the play mat bag and the bag charms. Velcro is also a good option. Make sure to position the flap snaps correctly by testing before you adhere them permanently. Follow the manufacturer’s directions to secure the snaps correctly and safely

2. Next, make optional Bag Charms using the same instructions as the Felt Doll assembly (steps 2 - 5) with any of the desired shapes.

3. Place a small grommet or stitch around the button hole at the top of the bag tag. Puncture the hole with a sharp, pointed tool. Repeat this process for all the Bag Charms.

4. Insert a non-fraying ribbon through the grommet in the Bag Charms. On either end of the ribbon, sew a hem to secure. Attach a snap or velcro to either ribbon end. Repeat this process to attach the snaps to the Bag Charm flaps.

5. Snap the Bag Charms around the handles, place the prepared Felt Dolls into the Bag Pockets, close the play mat and your Santa’s Workshop Felt Project is ready to begin hours of imaginative play and exploration.

Share on Social Media So We Can Cheer Each Other On!

Share your progress on social media using the hashtag #santasworkshopfeltpanel and TAG me with the "@" symbol @sewastory_jenniferlong, so I can cheer you on! You can also click on the image to download this graphic! Then you can share on social media to let others know you're sewing along with the Santa's Workshop Panel Sew-Along
Sew-Along Details
This SAL is fully supported, with tips and tricks and all the organization you will need to just relax and enjoy all the fun sewing. We'll share weekly blog posts, emails, social media posts, and videos to make sure you have everything you need to have success sewing the Santa's Workshop Felt Panel. If you haven't already, sign up for SAL communication at the link below.

August 7 - Week 1: Preparation & Cutting
August 14 - Week 2: Adding Details & Making the Felt Doll
August 21 - Week 3: Prepare & Sew the Bag
August 28 - Week 4: Finishing the Bag & Special Touches

Size: 36” x 69”
Techniques: Basic cutting, sewing, and hand-embroidery skills
Difficulty: Beginner
I can't wait to see your Santa's Workshop Felt Panel projects! Thanks so much for sewing along with us!
-- Jennifer