Read All About It!
Organize-Along Week 5

Welcome to week 5 of the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize Along!
We are OFFICIALLY past the half-way mark in the Organize-Along! Where we are inspiring each other to clean, purge and organize our creative spaces!
Week 5 is ALL about our paper and instructions. This includes books, magazines, patterns, templates... and even PDF patterns!
Thank you for being part of the Organize Along! It is FREE and is meant to be a beautiful way in inspire each other to organize, share DIY projects, build friendships and more! If you haven't already, please consider joining one or both of our FREE Educational Facebook Groups. You will get the most benefit out of the next week if you not only take part, but give feedback, post questions and share inspiration! We are are so excited you are here! Let's get started!

Balancing act...
Do you feel like all your patterns, magazines and books are just balancing precariously and could tip at any time? Are you in the mood to make that one favorite pattern but you can't seem to put your fingers on where it is? If so... you are NOT alone! We get it. Sometimes we purchase patterns, books are gifted to us or we inherit boxes of magazines! It is all so much fun but it needs a system so we can make the best use of the resources we already have! In week 5 - we are focusing on just that! Pick an area that you want to see more organized this week, and let's get started!

Instagram Feed @organizealong
Please give the us a follow there and we would be so excited if you helped spread the word by sharing in your stories or feeds! www.instagram.com/organizealong
WEEKLY VIDEO #5 - Read All About It
This week is all about organizing our books, patterns, templates - even our PDF patterns...
Every week we are sharing tips, tricks, laughter and so much more through a weekly Video Chat. You can watch and comment on the video in any of the three platforms or communities that best suits you! We WANT to hear your organizing solutions... so please join us and take part in these fun videos. We will help to keep in inspired as the weeks go on and keep you from overwhelm. One small thing organized is a success!!!

We LOVE pretty canisters for organizing, and this Sewing Room Nesting Canister set designed by Beverly McCullough of Flamingo Toes for Riley Blake Designs is one of our favorites!
If you have signed up for the 2021 Organize-Along Newsletter before August 31, 2021, you will be entered to WIN this set of canisters!!!! YAY! Contest open internationally!!!
Do you have a neat organization solution, a question for help with space functionality, a corner of your room that is inspiring?
Post in the FREE Educational Facebook Groups and on your own feeds using the hashtag #organizealong for a chance to be featured in upcoming posts and newsletters!

Don't forget to tag
@beesewinspired & @organizealong
so we make sure we see all your wonderful progress and inspiration!
Let's Celebrate Each other's Organize-Along WINS!!!
Michele from michmade shared a great post on how she is using bamboo boxes to store her 5" squares of fabric and fat quarters! Check it out HERE.
Debbi from @huntergirl99 pulled up her old hutch and is organizing all her sewing and crafts supplies! We LOVE it so much Debbi!!! Check it out HERE.
Share your WINS on Instagram by tagging @organizealong we we can share here and tag you back as well!!!!