Organize Along Tutorial Week 8
All Zipped Up Pouch
Guest Blogger: Deborah Zaleski of Sprouting JubeJube

Every week, through the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along, we are hosting guest bloggers! These amazing creatives are sharing with you, a fun and simple tutorial that you can make, to help organize something in your creative space!
Join me and welcoming today's guest blogger Deb Zaleski
in celebration of the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along!
You can learn more about Holly at the following links:
Instagram: @sproutingjubejube
Facebook: Sprouting JubeJube

Hello friends! I'm Deborah Zaleski of Sprouting JubeJube. If you're like me you always have a project on the go and and love being able to keep it all organized. I like to try everything that requires a needle and thread, garment sewing, hand embroidery, quilting, bag making, doll making... I have a lot of stuff, and it is essential that I keep the like things together like all my interfacing in one place and embroidery threads all in another area of my small sewing space. Sometimes though it's more important to gather what you need for a project and keep all those elements together so you can just grab and go to keep your hands busy during a road trip or weekend get-away.
Follow the All Zipped Up Pouch tutorial to sew one up for your sewing space or weekend-bag!

What You Need:
This All Zipped Up Pouch can be made all one color but can also be made as scrappy as you like. There's a template for the front/back pieces that you can download at the end of the tutorial.
All Zipped Up Pouch Template (found at the end of this tutorial)
1/3 yard for lining
1 fat quarter for front/back
1 fat quarter for top/bottom
1 piece of 9" x 4" for the strap
(2) 14" or longer zippers (they can be trimmed)
Flex Foam or Annie's Soft N Stable
Coordinating thread
Water soluble fabric pen

1. Gather your materials. You can make your project all one color or you can use as many different fabrics as you like. I used the new Riley Blake Designs fabric by Beverly McCullough (Flamingo Toes) Daisy Fields.
Use a 1/4" seam allowance unless otherwise indicated.

2. Cut out all the pieces required (label them as you go) including the foam. You'll need:
Download and use the template at the end of this tutorial to cut out:
2 main pieces
4 lining pieces
2 foam pieces
Bottom piece (14.75" x 2.5"):
2 main pieces
2 lining pieces
2 foam pieces
Top piece (12.5" x 1.5"):
4 main pieces
4 lining pieces
4 lining pieces
Strap (9" x 3.25")
1 contrast

3. Prepare the strap first. Fold in half lengthwise and press. unfold and bring the raw edges the center and fold, press. Top stitch 1/8" away from the edge on both sides. Trim off two 2" pieces to create zipper tabs and the longer length as a strap. Set aside while preparing the next pieces.

4. Using a zigzag stitch, baste all the foam pieces to all the main pieces. This will prevent shifting during the assembling steps.

5. Lay to main right side up, next the zipper tape right side down and finally the lining top right side down. Sandwich the tape between the two layers of fabric, clip to keep everything in place while sewing, Flip the top main and lining pieces over and top stitch the length of the fabric. Repeat for the other side making sure that the edges line up. Now repeat for the other zipper. Mark the center along the length and height of all pieces this will be so important when lining up your pieces properly.

6. At the opening of the zipper, clip a zipper tab in place, baste over the zipper tape carefully making sure not to break the sewing machine needle. Now that the zipper is secure you can trim it. Repeat this process with the other zipper. You can now baste over the zipper teeth on the other end and trim if needed.

7. Match the top to bottom at the short edge. NOTE depending on the seam allowance or method you used in sewing in your zipper or how wide your zipper tape is they may not match perfectly. the finished width of the top piece with the zipper closed must be 2.5", feel free to trim as needed (equal amount on both sides) so that the short edges match up. Next, press the seam allowance towards the bottom and top stitch 1/8" from the seam. Sew the other ends together to form a loop. Top stitch the seam down as it was done for the first side. Repeat these steps with the second set of top and bottom pieces.

8. Line the strap on the end of the zipper tape without the tab, Baste in place. Repeat for the other end.

9. Take one main front/back piece and clip into place on to the loop matching up the center markings on the top and bottom, Sew into place, Make sure to take your time in the rounded corners.

10. Now you can really start to see your project take shape and all the main pieces have been sewn together. It's time to work on the lining. Fold down the short ends of the bottom lining piece 1/4" towards the wrong side of the fabric. clip in place starting from the zipper base to the other end, matching up center markings. baste into place. Repeat with other unit.

11. Leave both units inside out and place one inside the other. Place one lining cover the units with the wrong side facing up. Clip into place matching up markings. Sew around the perimeter leaving a 3" opening at the bottom edge, Make sure not to catch the second unit that has been place inside in the stitching. Turn right side and repeat the steps for the second unit. Take advantage of the fact that you have easy access to the opening and hand stitch it closed.

12. Turn your work right side out. Take your last two pieces of lining with center markings matching up and clip them into place with wrong side of fabric facing out. Next, sandwich everything into place between the two layers of lining. Leave a 3" opening at the bottom. This step is a little hard, I chose to hand baste everything into place to make sure I wouldn't get the machine caught on any clips.

13. Slowly turn your work right side out through the opening. Hand stitch any openings and the button edge. Give your new pouch a little press and fill it with your next on the go project!

I hope you have been inspired by my tutorial and use it for your on the go projects, my youngest daughter Amelia insists it would make her a wonderful pencil case (nope! this one is mine! ) If you make an All Zipped Up pouch, I would love to see it. Please tag me on Instagram @sproutingjubejube . Make sure you are following Jennifer @beesewinspired on Instagram for more Organize Along projects and tutorials.
Download the template to make this project!

More Inspiration:
Read this week's Blog post about Organizing your Tools Of The Trade HERE.
Watch this week's Organize Along YouTube video HERE.
Join us EVERY WEEK this summer, for inspiration and free tutorials, to help you organize your creative space! Remember to sign up for the Bee Sew Inspired Newsletter HERE, to make sure you don't miss any great inspiration.
2022 Guest Bloggers:
July 6: Anne Boundy www.saidwithlove.com.au - Week 1: Floss Book Tutorial
July 15: Julia Fraizer www.bayhillstudio.com - Week 2: Grandmother's Groovy Sewing Machine Cover
July 22: Jennifer Long www.beesewinspired.com - Week 3: Ipad Case Tutorial
August 5: Bev McCullough https://flamingotoes.com
August 12: Lindsay Chieco https://www.instagram.com/linzentart/
August 19: Vickie Zaleski www.crochetingvixen.wordpress.com
August 26: Deb Zaleski https://www.instagram.com/sproutingjubejube/