Organize Along Tutorial Week 3
Ipad Case Tutorial using Granny Square Cross Stitch
Designer/Blogger: Jennifer Long www.beesewinspired.com

Every week, through the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along, we are hosting guest bloggers! These amazing creatives are sharing with you, a fun and simple tutorial that you can make, to help organize something in your creative space!

Hello friends! I hope you are loving all the FREE tutorials posting this summer on the Bee Sew Inspired website in celebration of the Organize-Along! So many talented designers and makers are joining us. Today, I wanted to hop into the blogger rotation and share with you a tutorial I designed based on necessity (I need a pretty Ipad case) and for fun, using the Granny Squares I stitched up with the Fat Quarter Shop last month. Read about the Granny Square SAL HERE.

The topic for this week is “What's In Between". I am not sure about you, but the Ipad is a very important part of my sewing and creative daily life! Not only do I use it to view my PDF patterns, reading blogs and tutorials and social media, but I use it for drawing and designing as well - and it definitely needs to be protected in a fun and pretty way!

This summer, with all 4 teens and preteens home and going in different directions for work, AAA softball, swim team, beach days and more, I need to stay even more organized and I want to take my Ipad with me so I can draw while I sit by the pool or at the ball diamond.
Today’s tutorial features a mixture of my Lori Holt stash by Riley Blake Designs. I wanted a scrappy look so I just pulled out all my 2 1/2" squares and began sewing! Let's get started.

What You Need:

Ipads come in different sizes, so adjust your fabric requirements and sizing as needed. My Ipad is a 12.9" Pro. — you can easily adjust the size of your Ipad case by adding or subtracting a row of squares. To make this Ipad case, you will need:
(60) 2 1/2" squares. I used mixture of my Lori Holt stash by Riley Blake Designs.
Fat Quarter of Extra fabric in accent color for lining
1/8 yard of binding fabric
12" zipper or larger
Ribbon, zipper pull etc. for added fun.

Let's Get Started:

1. Referring to this Granny Square SAL Putting it All Together post, make the front of the Ipad Cover.

2. Lay your Ipad next to your cover layout, to determine how many 2 1/2" squares you will need for the size you want to make your cover. I made my bottom base (5) 2 1/2" squares x (5) 2 1/2" squares.
I made a separate row on top of (1) row of (5) 2 1/2" squares.

3. Pin and sew together the front sections as shown and repeat for the back section in (1) larger pieces. Mine is (5) 2 1/2" squares x (6) 2 1/2" squares. Press seams.

4. Layout the (3) sections on your lining fabric and cut the lining larger than your main outer sections. Repeat cutting the Heat n Bond Fusible Fleece the same size as the lining.

5. Following the manufacturer's directions, fuse the Heat n Bond Fusible Fleece to the wrong side of the outer sections. pin and press the lining as shown to form a quilt sandwich.

6. Quilt using your domestic sewing machine or by hand, as desired.

7. Using your rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat, trim the excess lining fabric and fusible fleece away and square up the (3) Ipad case sections.
8. Layout the front (2) pieces as shown and the zipper in the direction you want the pull to go.
9. Pin and sew the zipper to the top of the main Granny Square Cross Stitch section as shown with RST. Fold the zipper back in place and with a cool iron, press the seam. Careful to not melt your zipper, if using a plastic zipper.

10. Sew a top-stitch down to secure the zipper and hold the fabric nice and flat. Repeat this process with the top section of the zipper.

11. Layer the backing and the prepared front as shown. The backing section should be patchwork section face out, and lining facing lining. Pin and top stitch the front and back sections together. Bind the entire perimeter using your favorite binding method. I used a single fold 2 1/4" binding method.

12. Add a ribbon or charm to the end of your zipper for a fun and whimsical element - as well as for ease of opening. Your Ipad Case is now complete!
I am so excited with my new Ipad case! I makes me feel organized, creative and ready for my next project on the go! Make sure you are following us @beesewinspired on Instagram for more Organize Along projects and tutorials and don't forget to sign up for our free, weekly, newsletter HERE.

You can find me on Instagram @beesewinspired and on YouTube, where I share more creative content and project ideas! I hope you’ll try making one of these fun sewing machine covers. If you do, please tag me @beesewinspired so I can share your creativity with all of my amazing maker friends!

Have you Heard?
Do you want to be inspired with Jennifer? Watch this intro video to learn what the Maker's Club is all about HERE and don't forget to subscribe to the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel.

More Inspiration:
Read this week's Blog post about Organizing your threads and "What's In Between" HERE.
Watch this week's Organize Along YouTube video HERE.
Join us EVERY WEEK this summer, for inspiration and free tutorials, to help you organize your creative space! Remember to sign up for the Bee Sew Inspired Newsletter HERE, to make sure you don't miss any great inspiration.
2022 Guest Bloggers:
July 8: Anne Boundy www.saidwithlove.com.au - Week 1: Floss Book Tutorial
July 15: Julia Fraizer www.bayhillstudio.com - Week 2: Grandmother's Groovy Sewing Machine Cover
July 22: Jennifer Long www.beesewinspired.com
July 29: Holly Clarke https://hollyclarkedesign.com
August 5: Bev McCullough https://flamingotoes.com
August 12: Lindsay Chieco https://www.instagram.com/linzentart/
August 19: Vickie Zaleski www.crochetingvixen.wordpress.com
August 26: Deb Zaleski https://www.instagram.com/sproutingjubejube/