Heart Felt Cookies Tutorial

Today, I am sharing a fun and quick sewing tutorial with you called Heart Felt Cookies. I love a good pun - don't you?

These Felt Cookies are easy to make on your sewing machine or by hand sewing. They make a cute gift for friends for Valentine's Day, as bowl stuffers, hanging ornaments, or cute toys for children. They are also a perfect project for teaching children to sew! So, grab your scrap bag and let's get crafting!
What You Need:

FREE Heart Treats Pattern Template:
Enter your email and the code "HEARTFELTPDF" in the Download Code section of this page. FREE Heart Treats SVG Files:
Enter your email and the code "HEARTFELTSVG" in the Download Code section of this page. Benzie Wool Blend Felt (in a variety of cookie colors)
6" square of Cotton Fabric for icing
Embroidery Thread in matching icing colors
Hand sewing needle
Cricut Maker or other cutting machine for SVG File (optional)
Small amount of Polyester Fiber Fill


1. Download the FREE Heart Felt Pattern designed by Sew A Story. You can choose either the PDF Pattern to hand cut your shapes, or the SVG Cut File and follow the directions to have your Cricut Maker cut the felt shapes. Make sure to use your rotary blade and set the fabric to felt.

2. Cut out 2 Heart Felt Cookie shapes from the cookie colored felt using either the FREE PDF pattern or SVG files above.

3. For the icing, trace the inner heart icing shape on the paper side of the HeatnBond Lite Sewable Iron-on Adhesive. Preheat your iron to medium heat with no steam. Take a 6" square of your favorite cotton fabric and place the adhesive side against the wrong side of the cotton fabric. Note the paper liner should face up. Place and hold the iron on the paper liner for 2 seconds. Repeat until the entire surface is bonded.

4. Cut out 1 icing shape from the fused cotton using either the FREE PDF pattern or SVG files above.

5. Remove the paper backing from the icing shape and align the icing on top of one of the prepared heart felt shapes. Press with warm iron to fuse in place. (Note: wool-blend felt can withstand heat from the iron, synthetic felt can melt. Cover with a pressing paper to protect your iron.

6. Stitch around the edge of your icing shape with your sewing machine blanket stitch to firmly hold the piece in place.
Alternately you can use 3 strands of coordinating hand embroidery thread and hand stitch a decorative blanket stitch around the perimeter to prevent any fraying and give some dimension.

7. Place the 2 matching heart felt pieces wrong sides together and pin in place. Using your sewing machine and a shortened stitch length, sew around the perimeter with a blanket stitch in a matching thread color. (You can opt to do this stitch by hand as well). Leave a 2" opening for stuffing.

8. Stuff the Heart Felt Cookie fully using little bits of stuffing at a time and a stuffing tool such as a knitting needle, pencil or hemostats. Continue with the blanket stitch (either machine or by hand) to close up the remaining hole.
Your stuffed Heart Felt Cookie is now complete!

If you would like to watch some of the tricks to sewing a stuffed Heart Felt Cookie, you can watch the YouTube Tutorial video linked below.
I hope these little projects sweetened your day and I am looking forward to seeing what you create with them!
Please share your Heart Felt Cookies on social media using the hashtag #SewASTory and TAG me with the "@" symbol @sewastory_jenniferlong, so I can cheer you on!
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