Granny Square Cross Stitch (Week 3)
It is always surprising to me how fast SALs and QALs go. It is really the beauty of taking part in an organized event. Before you know it, you have made the progress you want, and have had so much fun along the way! Today is week 3 of the Granny Square Cross Stitch Along! I have really been enjoying these tiny, and manageable, little cross stitch blocks each week! Are you stitching along with us?

Throughout the month of June, I am stitching along with
Lori Holt and the Fat Quarter Shop on this fun, and simple,

There are so many benefits to cross stitch that go further than the beautiful project and stitches you end up with at the end. I think this might just be, my favorite color combination yet! What do you think?

At the beginning of June, I wrote about my (3) reasons for why I love cross stitch. If you want to learn what they are, you can read the post HERE.

Would you like to join us on the Granny Square Cross Stitch Along? It is free, fun and completely doable.
Download the FREE pattern HERE.
