Free Handmade Holiday mini planner

One day, my friend Isabelle Wood and I were making handmade gifts for lots of our loved ones and friends during the holiday season, but found that we needed a way to keep track of them! So.... together we created this little mini planner to help us out! Now we are sharing it with you - FOR FREE!!! Isabelle a graphic designer with many projects on the go. I’m a designer, creator and general crafter! We decided to make this mini planner more general and not geared towards a specific craft but if there is something you absolutely think it’s missing, please let us know!
The first page is a general page to keep track of all the gifts, their budget and an estimated deadline.
The second is a page for a specific project. Who the recipient is, what gift you are making, the materials needed, if you need to go shopping for anything and a few other fun additions!
Of course we had to add a greeting card tracker page. I love receiving actual cards at Christmas and sending them out, remembering who I sent already, and even ordering them... I always get overwhelmed! Hopefully this tracker will help us all this season! Print all the pages or just the ones you need!