Farm Animals and Country Living
"To those that work in acres, not in hours!"

Living in rural, prairie Canada, we are surrounded by farm and agricultural land. Many of our dearest friends, including us, make our living in this industry. So I jumped at the chance to design a few, adorable farm animal dolls made with the new Down of the Farm fabric line by Riley Blake Designs.

This piggy doll has my heart! I love her sweet little snout, cute hooves and gentle face. She is a modern rag doll made "in-the-hoop" in an embroidery machine. I am writing her pattern and sending it to testers this week! She will also be designed as a sewing and hand-embroidery pattern

After I designed and made Miss Piggy, I knew she needed a few farmyard friends. There is our friend the Cow Doll who is wearing the cutest pair of overalls! This jean pocket print is so much fun!!! I LOVE sewing with quilting cottons - especially when working with small pieces like quilts and dolls!

...and what would a farm be without a horse? A wise rider once told me, "Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up!" I love this quote so much and teach it to my 4 children all the time. This stallion has an embroidered star on his forehead with yarn mane all the way down his back. He of course also has a cute tail to help swat all those flies! He is so soft, and I know my daughter has already claimed him for her own!

If you want to be the first to know when these Farm Animal Doll Patterns are released, please make sure you sign up for the Doll Making newsletter and join INSPIRED DOLL MAKING! It is sooo much fun!
Farm Animal Doll Patterns: by @beesewinspired coming soon!
Fabric: Down on the the Farm by @rileyblakedesigns