Be An Elf Quilt Pattern
Welcome to the Be An Elf Quilt Pattern support page! Full of tons of fun freebies, downloads, links, videos and more! I am so happy you are here!

This is where you can find downloads and freebies for helping you along with the "Be An Elf" Quilt Pattern.
You can purchase the Be An Elf Quilt Pattern HERE:
Subscribe to the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel and join the Inspired Quilting Facebook Group for more fun and community
Half-Square Rectangle Tutorial:
Be An Elf QAL Videos:


So happy you are considering joining us for the Be An Elf QAL!
Please share your progress photos using the hashtag #beanelfquilt and #beesewinspired
If you tag me @beesewsinspired I will be able to see and share your posts and tag you back!
Let's inspired the next generation to be whatever their imagination can imagine!