Be A Superhero Quilt Pattern
Welcome to the Be A Superhero Quilt Pattern support page! Full of tons of fun freebies, downloads, links, videos and more! I am so happy you are here! Today we would also like to present the the NEW and highly anticipated, Be A Superhero Quilt Pattern in LAP SIZE versions!!! You can still purchase the full bed-size Be A Superhero Quilt Patterns in the shop as well if you are looking for the larger versions.

This is where you can find downloads and freebies for helping you along with any of the (3)
"Be A Superhero" Quilt Patterns.
You can purchase the Be A Superhero Lap-size Quilt Patterns HERE:
Subscribe to the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel and join the Inspired Quilting Facebook Group for more fun and community!
Half-Square Rectangle Tutorial:
Be A Superhero QAL Videos:

Use the Riley Blake Designs Superhero Doll Fabric Panel to raw edge applique the doll character on the open space of the quilt.

So happy you are considering sewing together a Be A Superhero Quilt!
Please share your progress photos using the hashtag #beasuperhero #beasuperheroquilt and #beesewinspired
If you tag me @beesewsinspired I will be able to see and share your posts and tag you back!
Let's inspired the next generation to be whatever their imagination can imagine!