Be A Superhero Quilt Bundle
In celebration of the Be A Superhero Fabric shipping to shops this month, we have now bundled our most popular "Be A..." Quilt Pattern.... The Be A Superhero Quilt Pattern Bundle!
In this pattern bundle you will receive the fully illustrated, complete PDF download patterns in the Be Fearless, Be Brave and Be Bold Quilt Patterns

Imagination Quilt Pattern: Lap size 52" x 66 1/2".
When the recipient lays under this quilt, they become the Superhero. This quilt is part of the Bee Sew Inspired Imagination Quilt Pattern Series. Quilt patterns that empower and inspire the next generation. Make this quilt to turn anyone into a Superhero; a child, a teacher, a friend, a front-line worker, a grandparent. The options are endless.

You can purchase the Be A Superhero Lap-size Quilt Bundle Here:
Subscribe to the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel and join the Inspired Quilting Facebook Group for more fun and community!
Half-Square Rectangle Tutorial:

Use the Riley Blake Designs Superhero Doll Fabric Panel to raw edge applique the doll character on the open space of the quilt.

So happy you are considering sewing together a Be A Superhero Quilt!
Please share your progress photos using the hashtag #beasuperhero #beasuperheroquilt and #beesewinspired
If you tag me @beesewsinspired I will be able to see and share your posts and tag you back!
Let's inspired the next generation to be whatever their imagination can imagine!