Autumn Hedgehog Hoop Art
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the Autumn Tree."
- Emily Bronte

Hello, this is Jennifer Long of Bee Sew Inspired. I am excited to share this fun little Autumn Hoop Art with you today! It is cute and sweet and oh so adorable. I strongly believe EVERYONE can create beautiful handmade items and I like to give lots of options in my tutorials and patterns for different creative styles and techniques. This tutorial is given in the hand embroidery version, but the patterns include SVG cut files and/or digital embroidery machine versions!

The hedgehog got its name because of its peculiar foraging habits. They root through hedges and other undergrowth in search of their favorite food – small creatures such as insects, worms, centipedes, snails, mice, frogs, and snakes. As it moves through the hedges it emits pig-like grunts — thus, the name hedgehog.

Intermediate Level: This Autumn Hedgehog Hoop Art is simple and fun to create. What makes it an intermediate craft project is the small shapes of leaves to cut. Just make sure you have a small, sharp pair of fabric scissors and/or a cutting machine such as a cricut and you are on your way to creating a wonderful, cute project in under an hour and a half.
What You Need:

Autumn Hedgehog Pattern Templates:
Your choice either:
Embroidery Threads in a variety of colors
Sewing needle
Applique and straight scissors
9" square of linen fabric for main backing
6" wooden hoop
Lace or ribbon for embellishment
Scraps of Benzie Wool-Blend Felt: for Hedgehog body and Autumn Leaves
Use the code "BEESEWINSPIRED" at Benzie Design checkout to receive 10% off your first Felt purchase!

1. Download the Autumn Hedgehog Templates designed by Bee Sew Inspired. You can choose between the PDF Template or optional SVG Cut files) If you are using a Cricut Maker to cut the felt shapes, make sure to use your rotary blade and set the fabric to felt.
2. Cut the following: Hedgehog Body: Cut 1 from felt
Autumn Leaves: Cut 1 of each leaf from all 5 colors of felt. Total of 25 leaves.

3. Iron on HeatnBond Lite-weight Fusible Interfacing on the back of of your linen square.

4. Secure the interfaced fabric inside of your 6 inch wooden hoop.

5. Gather together all your precut pieces and layout the main Hedgehog body on the horizontal center of the hoop. The Hedgehog feet should be sitting at 3 1/2" from the top.

6. Using Fabric Fuse Quick Bond Fabric Adhesive, cover the back side of the Hedgehog body with glue and press in place.

7. Next, arrange the leaves in a scrappy arrangement starting at the back of the Hedgehog. Using the Fabric Fuse Quick Bond Fabric Adhesive, line the back side of each piece with glue and then press in place. Let dry for 30 minutes.

8. Repeat the placement, fabric fuse and pressing of each leaf starting on the outer most part of your hedgehog.

10. Continue working your way around the perimeter of the hedgehog's back.

11. Begin layering the leaves with Fabric Fuse Quick Bond Fabric Adhesive until the entire Hedgehog back is covered. Make sure his face and feet are still showing.

12. Fuse the remaining leaves along the right-bottom perimeter of the hoop.

13. Using coordinating embroidery threads, stitch each leaf down with a few running stitches to look like the spines of leaves.

14. Using a contrasting embroidery thread, stitch a French knot for the Hedgehog's eye and a satin stitch the nose of the Hedgehog as well.

15. Using a sharp pair of scissors, trim around the entire perimeter of the hoop leaving apx. 1 - 1.5" around the edges.

16. Using a running stitch, sew around the entire perimeter of the loose fabric and pull taut. Knot well.

17. Embellish your hoop art as desired. Use your Autumn Hedgehog Hoop Art as a tree ornament, display on the mantel or a super sweet shelf sitter. Thank you for sewing along with me today!
Your Autumn Hedgehog Hoop Art is now complete!

If you would like to sew along with me, come watch the free Tutorials on the Bee Sew Inspired YouTube Channel.
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