A Doll Maker's DREAM Fabric

Are you a doll maker? Maybe you make dolls daily, or you have only made one. Perhaps you haven't made a doll yet, but the idea interests you.... I am about to share a sneak peek at a brand new Riley Blake Designs Basic that is a MUST-HAVE for every doll maker! It is called Animal Kingdom and right now there are 15 different fabrics in this line! YAY!

As makers we know how important the right fabric selection can be. Even more so, if you are trying to bring to life the fabric in doll form... so here is my new, favorite basic - Animal Kingdom! The fabric is all 100% quilting cotton which is such a nice choice for doll making. The tight weave makes it great for stuffing limbs and little bodies and the fabric is so durable and easy to wash! Great for lots of play, loving and on the go fun.

Here is a sneak peek of all the Safari Animals I made using this amazing fabric.

Aren't they just so much fun! Which one is your favorite?

Today however, I wanted to give special attention to the Giraffe Doll and present the release of the Giraffe Sewing/Hand Embroidery and Giraffe Embroidery Machine Patterns. This is the third animal in the Safari Animal Doll Pattern line (with more titles to come).

Giraffes not only are a kind and gentle animal, but they are graceful and nurturing. Their wonderful, tall posture, also teaches us to be proud of ourselves and stand with our heads held high! What better stuffed animal to give to a growing child then one that exudes all these positive qualities!

"Let your faith be taller than your fears!"

"Keep you feet on the ground and your head in the clouds!"

Now, of course, I can not actually choose a favorite animal. I LOVE all the animals and will definitely be keeping one of each of these cuties in my sewing studio.

If you like learning doll, crafting and quilting related advice, recommendations, tips and tricks and so much more, please LOG IN to the Bee Sew Inspired website. This will ensure that you are notified first when a new blog post or tutorial is posted - and keep you informed and inspired! So honored to have you here and I can't wait to see your next make! Please make sure you tag me @beesewinpsired so I can re-share and tag you back!

Hope you have a "wild" and fun day today!


p.s. This cutie is our newest kitty and his name is "Zebra" the cat because of all his stripes. I just LOVE that he joined us for the photo shoot!